
Dev Tools


A simple website builder.

Tech stack

NodeJS, Express, EJS, CSS 3, ES 5/6, jQuery 3.4.1, Popper 1.16.0, Bootstrap 4.3.1, Font Awesome 4.7.0, Summer Note 0.8.12, JSON Editor, FileSaver.js, etc.

Instructions for running this app locally

Step 1: Clone

Step 2: Run ‘npm install’ in terminal

Step 3: Run ‘npm install nodemon -g’ in terminal

Step 4: Run ‘nodemon server.js’ in terminal

Step 5: Goto ‘localhost:8080’ in your browser

Step 6: Incase the java tools under ‘Utilities’ section fails, update jdk, jre and system variables - JAVA_HOME and Path

Application snapshot

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etc… And many more to come!!